Newbee here with Newbee Grandson 9yrs old.

Warp 10

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Looks like the June launch date will work for us.... Since my grandson .. Lorenzo ... will be the rocketeer. I have a few questions that I hope some one can answer for me. He has a starter Estes rocket and launch stand / panel.
What other organizations must we be a member of to launch at your site?
Will he be able to do more than one launch, as long as it is flyable after first launch?
Can we bring chairs and may be a small cooler for water to the field?
Can we do launches ourselfs outside of the scheduled launch dates at the Dalzel field?
Do we need to bring our Launch stand and panel?

Thanks Mike & Lorenzo
Welcome to the hobby!

What other organizations must we be a member of to launch at your site?
You do not have to be a member of the club as far as I know. There is a fee to fly ($15 for non-members) and you will have to sign a liability waiver for the landowner. I highly recommend joining the National Association of Rocketry beforehand. Especially if you're going to fly on your own at some other launch site. Not sure if NAR membership is a club requirement—maybe someone else can confirm.

Will he be able to do more than one launch, as long as it is flyable after first launch?
Yes, of course!

Can we bring chairs and may be a small cooler for water to the field?
Absolutely! And a tent would be recommended for shade.

Can we do launches ourselfs outside of the scheduled launch dates at the Dalzel field?
You cannot fly at the Dalzell field on your own. Access is only permitted at organized launch dates/times. You can fly on your own at launch sites that you secure. Read up on the NAR's safety code, which gives the minimum field size for each size rocket motor. Make sure you have the landowner's permission. If you are a NAR member, they will be covered by NAR's $1 million liability insurance policy, provided you follow the NAR safety code.

Do we need to bring our Launch stand and panel?
The club will provide the launch pads. You just need to bring your rocket(s) and the expendable launch supplies (motors and starters).
This sounds like so much fun....thats a quote form Lorenzo my 9yr grandson. We will be there to launch our Este Beginer rocket .. hopefluly more than one!!!! We have 4 engines .. B and C size and extra igniters and wadding. Just hope the parachute opens ..... okey dokey..

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